Beyond traditional bookkeeping services, what else does AustAsia Accounting Services offer?
< 1 min read
Xero/MYOB set-up and training – we ensure that your system software is set-up correctly so you can confidently manage your own bookkeeping processes.
Periodic “spring clean” – we can review your bookkeeping works periodically to ensure that everything has been input and reported correctly. We can do this as a regularly scheduled service, or on an ad-hoc basis, whenever you require our assistance.
Migrating from one accounting software package to another – as your business changes and grows, the accounting software needed for your record keeping purposes might change and we can assist you in the migration and the transitioning of files across different accounting packages.
Setting-up cloud storage for receipts to be synchronised with your accounting software – we assist clients in selecting and/or configuring complementary apps that integrate with their accounting software such as Dext, Hubdoc, Dropbox, simPRO, and Servicem8. These apps allow paperless storage and enable more efficient work practices.