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What is BAS and when do I need to lodge it?

1 min read

if you’re a business registered for GST, you need to lodge a Business Activity Statement (BAS). Your BAS will help you calculate and report your GST payable or GST refund. It also reports:

  • Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments
  • PAYG withholding tax
  • Other taxes

Your specific business circumstances will determine whether your BAS is due Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually (Quarterly is the most common). And similarly, the due date changes depending on whether you prepare and lodge the BAS yourself, or if you engage AustAsia Accounting Services as your tax agent. With us acting as your tax agent, you enjoy a deferred lodgement and payment deadline. This can greatly help with cashflow planning in your business. Furthermore, with AusAsia acting for you, we are able to negotiate payment extensions or special payment arrangements, in certain circumstances. The table below summarises the lodgement and payment dates for quarterly lodgements.

Due date if you prepare and lodge the BAS yourself Due date if we lodge on your behalf as your tax agent
September Quarter 28 October 25 November
December Quarter 28 February* 28 February*
March Quarter 28 April 26 May
June Quarter 28 July 25 August

* The ATO grants businesses an automatic one month extension for the December Quarter lodgement due to the Christmas and New Year holiday period however, tax agents don’t get an additional month.

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