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Why is my June current Quarter’s PAYG instalment much higher than the last my previous Quarter’s?

1 min read

The PAYG Instalment amount is reassessed by the ATO every time you lodge your tax return. Therefore, if you have higher business/investment income in your recent tax return lodged in the period March to June, the ATO will readjust the instalment amount required and as a result you may find that the ATO asks for a higher amount for the June Quarter PAYG instalment.

This is to ensure that you will have already paid your estimated tax liability on your business/investment income before your lodge your tax return, to avoid a big tax bill “shock”.

For example, if your total tax paid in the previous financial year was $8,000, but you have only been paying quarterly instalments based on the year before (say $2,000), then the ATO change the amount for the June Quarter to be a top-up on that quarter for the whole year.

The quarters for the year to 30 June already paid may have been:

September Quarter $500.00
December Quarter $500.00
March Quarter $500.00
Total $1,500.00

Based on the tax assessment notice (which was issued in June quarter, before the June PAYG Instalment was released), then the ATO seeks a total PAYG of $8,000 for the year. That means that the last instalments for June becomes:

Total PAYG for Year $8,000.00
Less Paid for the first 3 quarters $1,500.00
Total PAYG for June Quarter $6,500.00

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