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With so many compliance dates to remember in the next quarter, we have prepared a summary for businesses to keep you on track of your business obligations in the lead up to the end of the financial year.

Obligations and Key Dates
 Super Guarantee Obligation  21 June 2024
 Owner’s Super Contribution  21 June 2024
 FBT Reporting  24 June 2024
 Other Operational Strategies  28 June 2024
 Closely Held STP Reporting  12 July 2024
 Finalisation of STP Reporting for 2024 FY  12 July 2024
June Payroll Tax and Annual Reconciliation  19 July 2024
Super Guarantee Obligation (if not paid before 30 June)  26 July 2024
 Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) 28 August 2024
Click on these tabs to see the details of each entry.

DUE 21 June 2024

Superannuation is money a business pays to its employees’ nominated superfund to provide for their retirement.

As part of AAG Tax Planning Strategies, we encourage the business owner to pay Superannuation Guarantee (SG) by 21 June 2024 to obtain a tax deduction in this financial year.
(Even though it is not due until 28 July 2024, the 21 June date allows enough time for the super clearinghouse to process the payment before the end of this financial year).

To qualify for a tax deduction, your SG contribution payments must be made each quarter to your employees’ nominated super funds by the quarterly due dates for SG contributions.

DUE 21 June 2024

Superannuation contributions have a cap on the amount that can be a tax deduction for each employee in a financial year. For the 2023/2024 year, the limit is $27,500 for all ages.

If you want to make additional superannuation contributions up to your cap of $27,500, please ensure to do it by 21 June 2024 to arrive in the fund before 30 June.

Tax-Deductible Contributions to the superfund will be taxed at 15%, while your individual tax rate can go up to 47%, meaning a maximum tax savings of 32% for contributions.

(FBT) Reporting, Lodging and Paying DUE 21 May 2024 to 24 June 2024
(see specific dates below)

A fringe benefit is a ‘payment’ to an employee, but in a different form to salary or wages, like allowing an employee to use a work car for private purposes, paying an employee’s gym membership, providing entertainment by way of free tickets to concerts, reimbursing an expense incurred by an employee, such as school fees, etc.

Employers must lodge a fringe benefits tax (FBT) return if they have a liability – also known as a fringe benefits taxable amount – for an FBT year (1 April to 31 March).

If you prepare your own FBT return:

For the FBT year ended 31 March 2024, you can lodge up to 28 May 2024 without incurring a failure to lodge (FTL) penalty. The payment due date is 21 May 2024.

If you have a tax agent that lodges your return electronically, the due date to lodge and pay is 24 June 2024.

DUE 28 June 2024

  • Review Accounts Receivables Ledger (Debtors) and write-off any bad debts
  • Review Stock on Hand and write off obsolete stock
  • Review Work in Progress
  • Bring forward tax-deductible purchases such as repairs, accounting software, office expenses and donations.
  • Pay director’s fees or dividends and staff bonuses
  • Defer Invoicing and receiving income
  • Prepay expenses for up to 12 months, e.g. interest, insurance, rent, subscriptions and business travel
  • Structure the Timing of Capital Gains and/or Losses
  • Review your Division 7A Loans
  • Review Personal Tax Deductions

Reporting DUE 12 July 2024

Single Touch Payroll (STP) is an initiative by the ATO that changes the way employers report on employee payments, including salary and wages, PAYG withholding and superannuation.

From 1 July 2021, amounts paid to closely held payees must be reported through STP. If you’re a small employer, you can report these amounts on or before each payday, or you can choose to report this information quarterly.

If you have any other payees (also known as arm’s length employees), they must be reported on or before each payday.

(ATO due date is actually 14 July 2024, but that is a Sunday, so the last working day is Friday, 12 July 2024)

Click here for more details or contact us for assistance.

Finalisation of STP Reporting for 2024 Financial Year DUE 12 July 2024

Under STP, employers send payroll information to the ATO simultaneously with paying their employees, typically weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, via their payroll software.

You will need to finalise your STP information and make a finalisation declaration to the ATO at the end of the financial year. This tells ATO that your data is complete, and ATO will change your employees’ income statement to ‘Tax ready’.

You can make a finalisation declaration for an employee during the financial year (for example, for employees who have ceased employment) or after the end of the financial year up to 12 July.

(ATO due date is actually 14 July 2024, but that is a Sunday, so the last working day is Friday, 12 July 2024)

Both June Payroll Tax and Annual Reconciliation are DUE 19 July 2024

Payroll tax is a state or territory tax that you have to pay when your total Australian wages are over the tax-free threshold for the relevant state or territory.
(Western Australia’s threshold is $1,000,000 pa)

If you are required to report monthly or quarterly payroll tax, you will be required to do two reports by 19 July:

  • June quarter / monthly return; and
  • Annual reconciliation returns

Click here to work out if you need to lodge Payroll Tax Return and here for more details.

Super Guarantee Obligation (if not paid before June 30) DUE 26 July 2024

Pay Superannuation Guarantee (SG) for the quarter ended 30 June 2024 by 26 July 2024
(if you didn’t pay before 30 June to get a tax deduction in the 2023/2024 year)

(ATO due date is actually 28 July 2024, but that is a Sunday, so the last working day is Friday, 26 July 2024)

Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) DUE 28 August 2024

From 1 July 2019, businesses in the Building and Construction, Cleaning, Courier, Security Industries or IT Services who have paid for contractors throughout the year must lodge a Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR).

Your TPAR will be due for lodgement by 28 August 2024 and will report all contractors’ payments made during the 2024 Financial Year (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024).

Click here to work out if you need to lodge a TPAR.

If your business falls under an industry that needs to report to the ATO and you think you require assistance to review contractors’ payments and/or lodging the TPAR, please get in touch.

We are here to help

If you have any questions or concerns on how these could impact you, please contact our Consulting Team on (08) 9227 6300 or via our Contact Us Page for more information.

AAG AustAsia

AAG AustAsia

AAG is a family-owned group providing Tax planning, management accounting, wealth management, and more. Established in 1979, AAG acts entirely in their clients' best interest by providing financial expertise and upholds a reputation of nurturing long-lasting relationships with clients to assist them with all their personal and business financial issues.